Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yummy Sushi Erasers Time!

OMG!!!  Beautiful spring day calls for delicious Sushi Erasers!  Our Sushi Earsers set is so fresh and so delicious that not even Hapa Hamster can resist!!!! LOL :)

Sushi Erasers, just like the real thing!

Our Sushi Erasers come in 6 pieces, including ika squid eraser, tamago egg omelet eraser, ebi shrimp eraser, and in the front, ikura salmon roe eraser, uni sea urchin eraser, maguro tuna eraser.  Each sushi eraser is finely detailed to depict the tiniest and most minute details on a real sushi!  How cool is that!?!?

Hapa Hamster is so hungry, she might as well have some sushi for lunch! LOL :) :)


Hapa Hamster <3