Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Vegetable Erasers Harvest Time!

The beautiful summer season signifies the harvest of our Summer Vegetable Erasers!  Hapa Hamster just came back from the farm with an armful of those juicy, colorful and ripe Summer Vegetable Erasers!!!!!~ LOL

Peas in a pod eraser, Bell Pepper eraser, Eggplant eraser, Tomato eraser
Our Summer Vegetable Erasers come as a set of 4, which includes peas in a pod eraser, red bell pepper eraser, eggplant eraser, and tomato eraser.  The erasers are super colorful and are detailed just like the real things!
The Summer Vegetable Erasers are look SO FRESH AND SO CLEAN!!!! LOL
Our colorful and fresh Summer Vegetable Erasers are on sale right now!  Get yours soon before the summer harvest season disappears! :)


Hapa Hamster