Thursday, August 9, 2012

Erasers Olympics!

Woohoo!!!  The London Olympics 2012 is so much fun to watch!  All the athletes are great!  Hapa Hamster is so happy to be starting her very own Erasers Olympics 2012! LOL

First off, we have the Erasers Soccer final featuring our very own Soccer Erasers!

Colorful Soccer Erasers!
Our Soccer Erasers are pretty and cute!  They come in 4 wonderful colors: red soccer eraser, green soccer eraser, blue soccer eraser, and the traditional black eraser.  And, just like our other awesome Japanese erasers, these Soccer Erasers are puzzle erasers, so you can take them apart and put them together as many as times as you want!!! LOL
Soccer erasers are so pretty!!!! LOL
To celebrate the inauguration of the very first Erasers Olympics, the Soccer Erasers are on sale right now!  Get them and start practicing for the next Erasers Olympics! LOLOLOL :) :)



Hapa Hamster