Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hapa Hamster Explores the Ocean

Even though Hapa Hamster is a hamster, she is very keen on swimming!  She usually goes swimming in the beautiful vast erasers ocean every now and then.  Yesterday, while she was out swimming, she met some new friends!  Hapa Hamster would like to introduce her new friends from the ocean to you!  They are 3 Sharks erasers, 4 Turtle erasers, and 3 Stingray erasers.

Hapa Hamster's new ocean friends!
The 3 Sharks erasers come in 3 colors: deep blue shark eraser, baby blue shark eraser, and pink eraser.  The Sharks erasers have some colorful dots and fins just so swimmers can see them from miles away.  Don't worry though, these Sharks erasers are very gentle.  They absolutely don't bite!!! HHAHAHA
Sharks erasers in 3 colors

The 4 Turtle erasers come in 4 colors: baby blue turtle eraser, yellow turtle eraser, green turtle eraser, and pink turtle eraser.  Hapa Hamster was told that the Turtle erasers came to the California shore to lay their eggs!  Baby turtle erasers coming soon, we hope! hahahaha!!! LOLOL :)

Turtle erasers

Last but not least, the 3 Stingray erasers come in 3 colors: gray stingray eraser, blue stingray eraser, and green stingray eraser.  Our Stingray erasers swim with their giant wings.  They look like as if they are flying!  The real Stingrays have poisonous tail to protect themselves, however, our Stingray erasers are absolutely safe!  They are made of non-toxic rubber!  So, no worries~~~ hahahaha!!!! :D :D

Stingray erasers in 3 colors
Do you know how to swim???  If so, come grab our Sharks erasersStingray erasers, and Turtle erasers so you can swim with them!  If you don't know how to swim, they will be more than happy to teach you!


Hapa Hamster